Small and Medium Enterprises

Do terms like machine learning, artificial intelligence, advanced analytics, big data, business intelligence, and deep learning make you nervous?  Do you feel that your company isn’t big enough to even think about those things?

Let Windham help you put your toes in the water.  Don’t let your important information go unused or under-utilized.  Windham can help show you how to start analyzing your data and integrate the new things you learn into your business to improve performance.  Call today for a free consultation at (908) 229-5475.

Senior Care

Advanced analytics can greatly impact the quality of a senior’s life and the success of your senior care agency.  Considering the IoT (Internet of Things) and wearable devices, things like gradual changes in mobility, often difficult to spot, can be identified early and addressed.  Often heading off serious issues like potential falls and UTIs, both of which have reduction of mobility as a leading indicator.


Understanding machine utilization can lead to the creation of a proactive maintenance schedule to avoid costly machine downtime.  Create better demand forecasts and manage your inventory and distribution center more effectively.  Manufacturing analytics can give you insights into your supply chain, from understanding the best time to reorder to evaluating when components are causing problems and need replacement.


Creating an easy to use database that contains basic data of your customers will allow you to profile your most profitable customers.  Adding in information on how those customers were acquired will help you prospect for new, highly profitable customers.  Marketing analytics will help you reach more of the prospects you desire at a lower cost.  Data on your crews will help you compensate them more fairly, promote the high performers, and replace the poor performers.  Tracking equipment usage and  maintenance will help keep equipment running well and last a long time.


Improve job site efficiency by combining wearable devices to track how much extra movement takes place throughout the day.  Delivering materials and equipment to logical locations can increase efficiency.  Analyzing data on injuries can be used to make conditions safer and possible change how tasks are done.  Predictive analytics can help make bid more competitive and more aligned with your customers.

Personal Care

In an industry known for its secrecy, advanced analytic techniques applied to search data can yield important trend information, not only by product category but also by geographic region, sex, age, and ethnicity.