Large Enterprise

We are proud to offer the advanced analytic solutions below powered by MATRiX ANALYTICS. Don’t forget to review our core consulting offering for large retail and DTC enterprises. Click here for CONSULTING SERVICES

Recommendation Systems

Is your Recommendation System providing the additional units per transaction you were hoping for?  Do you know?  Our advanced machine learning algorithms for collaborative, content-based, knowledge-based, and hybrid recommendation systems can improve the performance of your recommendation systems.  We can help you raise the level of your customer satisfaction and the average number of unit in your customer transactions.

Optimized Transport

The goals for all transportation professionals is to deliver product quickly and with minimum costs, often competing objectives.  The challenges are not limited to individual parcel delivery but distributing product from multiple factories to multiple distribution centers.  Our advanced algorithms evaluate all the possible combinations to arrive at the most efficient distribution solution.

Inventory Optimization

Inventory management is critical to the success of almost any company.  Optimizing your inventory frees capital for other important investments, and fuels customer satisfaction with high levels of product availability and quick fulfillment.  Our inventory management recommendations will help improve your service levels and reduce the amount of inventory you need to achieve your desired level of service.  In addition, carrying the right level of inventory will reduce your handling costs and physical storage requirements.

Customer Buying Analytics

It’s common knowledge that customers are very hard and very expensive to acquire.  Once you have a customer, their satisfaction is paramount to running a successful business and it’s important for you to know how satisfied they are!  Segmenting the customer list can help you identify your target customer and potentially reduce your customer acquisition costs.  Incorporating Social Media analysis, engagement analytics, and churn statistics, and creating the business processes to leverage that knowledge will help you grow your active customer list and your business.

Product & Customer Insights

Finding that real intersection between your customers and your product can be a challenge.  Understanding what drives the customer to come back again and again is critical to long term growth.  What the customer buys isn’t always the best indicator of their impression of your brand.  It’s really what they do after they buy.  Do they purchase again quickly?  Is the product showing up on social media?  These and other answers provide real insight for the product development team and merchants planning upcoming seasons or floor sets.

Strategy Testing and Adaptive Controls

A/B testing is one of the most popular and widely adopted optimization practices used by digital marketers.  However, A/B testing is not limited to marketing and can be applied to product design, product placement, store and website design.  We’ll build an experimental design, track strategies and scenarios, then evaluate the results with our advanced statistical models to form a consensus on the winning strategy.

Predictive Forecasts

In a Forbes article McKinsey was quoted as saying, “winning decision are increasing driven by analytics more than instinct, experience, or merchant ‘art’ ‘; what succeeded in the past is now a poor predictor of the future, and analytics is helping to inform and unlock new pockets of growth.”   Let us help you bring together all the disparate data you have been collecting to see into the future.  POS transaction data, loyalty program information, pricing strategies, store and department size, traffic flow, social listing, and other factors all impact performance.  We can help bring those together to make decisions for your future.

Shrinkage Models

There are a number of reasons for the disappearance of product from the supply chain and getting to the root causes of the loss and be difficult, if they are even recognized.  However, it’s important to prevent future losses.  Cash losses from registers plague many retailers.  Our algorithms can identify employee theft even when there is no visible indication.

Digital Marketing Analytics

The problem today is not enough data.  The problem is understanding which data is important and when.  Many businesses fail to analyze the right data.  Often this happen because they focus on only a few data points that can be obtained simply, effectively dumbing down their analysis.  Our algorithms and models will help you identify and leverage the most important data for your business or campaign.